Tying in perfectly with Earth Day’s theme for 2021, ‘Restore Our Earth’, Convergint Technologies is proud to be participating in DC’s for Bees. DCs For Bees is an industry initiative led by Host in Ireland to help save Ireland’s declining bee population. This sub-initiative aims to bring an industry together to educate, advocate, create awareness, take action, and make a difference. Host In Ireland and their data centre industry partners are uniting to make a positive impact by pledging to make Ireland pollinator friendly and ensure the survival of our pollinators for future generations.
Today, Host in Ireland announced the expansion of its DCs for Bees initiative with the launch of the DCs for Bees Pollinator Plan. This is a shared plan of action by Host In Ireland, their 40 partners from the data centre industry, and the wider ICT industry. This plan highlights ways for individuals and businesses to take action in addressing Ireland’s biodiversity plight. Backed by the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, it includes a toolkit of 42 pollinator-friendly actions to create awareness and drive real action that can help to reduce, stall or even reverse the extinction of bees.
About Host in Ireland
Host in Ireland is an award-winning strategic global initiative created to increase awareness of the benefits of hosting digital assets in Ireland, as well as Irish companies that are designing, building, and operating data centers globally.