We are actively seeking like-minded companies to join Convergint Nation
An acquisition is not a simple transaction but is the beginning of a long-term relationship. Most of the former owners of the businesses we have acquired are still with Convergint today. We have achieved this result by treating all stakeholders with fairness and respect. Our transaction process is confidential, transparent, efficient, and fair. Our long track record of acquiring some of the best integrators in our industry speaks for itself.
Convergint’s rapid growth in recent years is largely due to our extensive acquisition strategy. We are always actively seeking opportunities to further expand our market presence and enhance our service capabilities.
We are committed to being our customers’ best service provider. In order to meet the diverse and growing needs of our customers, we are actively seeking acquisition opportunities that enable us to:
- Extend our geographic reach so we can be closer to our customer
- Expand our technological and vertical market expertise
- Enhance our service capabilities by attracting and retaining talented colleagues and leaders
Unlike most companies that make frequent acquisitions, our focus is on improving service to our customers – not cutting costs (i.e. people). A successful acquisition is one that makes us better together than either company would be on its own.

Convergint culture
Being our customers’ best service provider requires a shared commitment to service excellence and a consistent set of values and expectations across our entire organization.
Convergint is a strong and growing company, with a long history of mutually beneficial acquisitions that thrive as part of our organization. We’re often asked why we enjoy so much success with acquisitions, and the answer is because we do not seek to prioritize synergies, but to prioritize people and our culture.
Safety is a crucial part of Convergint’s culture, and Convergint is dedicated to an injury-free work environment by providing the tools, training, and programs so that all projects and service calls are completed without incidents or injuries.
Our customers expect us to deliver on our commitments. We rely on our colleagues across the globe to make it happen. Our culture and commitment to our Values and Beliefs is what makes it possible. We believe so strongly in this premise that cultural compatibility is our most important acquisition criteria.
Testimonials from former owners
Testimonials from the former owners of four companies acquired by Convergint

“Convergint has been an amazing platform to accelerate the growth of our company. The exceptional focus on culture and service as a competitive advantage has brought incredible value to our people, our customers, and our strategies. The sheer amount of talent and leadership assembled at Convergint makes this the absolute best place to be in the security industry.”

“To me, cultural fit and dedication are among the most important deciding factors in the acquisition process. Post-acquisition, I’m so impressed with Convergint’s commitment to living their Values & Beliefs, to and through their colleagues every day. After 25 years of growing my business with great culture at the helm, I couldn’t be more excited and proud for my business, colleagues, and customers to continue to have successful growth as part of the Covergint family!”

“Joining Convergint lifted the ceiling and allowed my colleagues and I to continue to grow our careers within a global market leader. The importance Convergint places on cultural health and the camaraderie that exists between various areas of the company is second-to-none and has exceeded our expectations.”

“The positive service culture and deep technical resources at Convergint have been absolute accelerators for my company’s growth trajectory. Convergint has lived up to every written and unwritten promise that was made to during our transaction. And all stakeholders have benefited: our colleagues, our ownership group, and most importantly, our clients. Joining Convergint was the right thing to do to take our organization to the next level.”