13 04, 2023

Healthcare & SLED Security Summit in Massachusetts

April 13, 2023|

Presented by Convergint & Product Partners Join Convergint and industry leaders for a safety and security summit on May 16th, 2023, in Chelmsford, MA. The in-person event will provide local and national perspectives on latest technology integrations for cutting edge surveillance solutions, physical security, and employee safety within the SLED and healthcare industries.

27 03, 2023

Convergint Supports New TSA Regulations to Secure the Skies

March 27, 2023|

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is increasing their focus on cyber protections in airports and is therefore implementing new requirements. As heightened cyber threats target US critical infrastructure, both airlines and aircraft manufacturers are compelled to address cybersecurity weaknesses. New regulations are showing them the path forward. As cybercrime becomes increasingly lucrative, the aviation industry

2 02, 2023

Genetec Transportation Solutions Offered by Convergint in New York and California

February 2, 2023|

Rapid technological advancement, increasing urbanization, and escalating commuter and government demands are pressuring transit industry players to modernize. At the same time, it is critical that transit security and operations teams collaboratively address the reality of evolving physical and cyber threats that comes with change. As such, Convergint is pleased to announce that Convergint

23 01, 2023

Expanding Opportunities for SLED: Convergint’s Grants & Funding Team Steps In

January 23, 2023|

Convergint is fully committed to partnering with state and local government and educational institutions to ensure optimal security for all facilities. That said, budgeting accordingly can be a challenge for non-profits and public institutions. Convergint’s SLED group provides non-obligatory end-to-end grants and funding assistance at no cost to customers or prospects which, includes:

13 01, 2023

Event: Promoting Safer Communities through Education and Awareness

January 13, 2023|

Presented by Convergint and sponsoring partners Join Convergint and industry leaders for a partner trade show, live demos, and a keynote speaker on March 8th, 2023, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM EST at Best Coffee at the Market in Rochester, NY. The in-person event will provide knowledge on how to bring communities

14 12, 2022

Convergint UK Partners with Genetec to Deliver Optimal Care to Staff and Students

December 14, 2022|

In a chaotic world where the level of data is exponentially increasing, higher education organisations need a security partner they can trust. Convergint partners with Genetec to ensure that on campus staff, students, and assets are safe and secure. This partnership strives to create resilient, connected solutions that give higher education customers a more

29 11, 2022

Cost-Effective and Efficient Cooperative Purchasing Through the State of Arkansas Contract

November 29, 2022|

The Arkansas Department of Transformation and Shared Services has awarded the Facility Security Systems Sourcewell Participating Addendum (Contract Number 4600051403) to Convergint for use by all city, state, and county organizations in the State of Arkansas. What can this contract do for you? This contract includes the security products, services, and

23 11, 2022

Enhancing School Safety with BSCA Federal Funding

November 23, 2022|

On October 3rd, the U.S. Department of Education released Notices Inviting Applications for two grant programs to increase access to mental health services for students and young people. These grant programs that were funded through the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA). The BSCA invests in programs to help institute safety measures in and around

3 11, 2022

Convergint Aviation Team Flying High in Security Space

November 3, 2022|

Convergint is committed to airport public safety, partnering with airports nationwide to implement best practices in security.  Our customizable, scalable security solutions for aviation infrastructure enhance operational awareness and optimize the passenger experience. Convergint’s Kyle Heaton leads the company’s aviation team and has a strong understanding of how to align cutting-edge security

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