Time & attendance solution

Generate automated data and customised reports

By consolidating data sources, reducing reliance on additional devices, and automating processes, Convergint’s time & attendance solution streamlines operations, cuts costs, and enhances productivity. Customisable reporting ensures that diverse end-user needs are met effectively enhancing workforce management by simplifying complexities and optimising resource utilisation.

Key features

Advanced automated processing

Utilise advanced software to automatically process data from multiple card readers, accurately recording each employee’s access card swipe time and location daily.

Centralised data consolidation

Consolidate all attendance data into a centralised time & attendance system, eliminating the need for additional devices and simplifying data management.

Customisable rules and reports

Apply various preset rules to streamline operations and accommodate diverse attendance requirements, while also providing personalised reports tailored to specific end-user needs.

Cost and labor savings

Enable cost-effective operations by reducing labour costs through streamlined operations and productivity enhancements, improving overall efficiency and resource allocation.

Use cases

Enhancing safety and streamlining processes at large international school

A large international school implemented Convergint’s time & attendance solution to efficiently manage the presence of over 1500 students and 500 staff members across 10+ grades, 140+ classes, and 100+ shuttle buses at their site. The solution integrates multiple data sources, including access control systems, school bus systems, and students’ cardless entry registration, to provide accurate and real-time attendance tracking.

One of the key features is the automated email functionality, where at 9AM every day, the system sends a list of students who have already enrolled in the school that day to each class tutor. This ensures timely information dissemination and aids in class preparation.

During emergency situations such as fire drills, the solution automatically generates and sends a list of students currently on the premises to each class tutor via email. This feature enhances safety measures by providing quick insights into the whereabouts of students during critical events.

Overall, this time and attendance solution streamlines attendance management processes, enhances communication between staff members, and ensures the safety and security of students and staff in the international school environment. With its robust capabilities and integration of various data sources, it proves to be an invaluable tool for efficient operations in a large educational institution.

Streamlining operations and complex integration for leading advertising firm

A renowned advertising customer deployed Convergint’s time & attendance solution as an adaptable solution which can meet the diverse requirements of five distinct business units. Customisable report templates cater to the unique needs of each unit, ensuring flexibility and efficiency in attendance tracking.

The solution seamlessly integrates with the customer’s workday and travel systems, allowing for the retrieval of travel and leave records to facilitate comprehensive attendance management. Additionally, it integrates with the payroll system, streamlining payroll processes by automatically uploading daily attendance data to a shared folder for easy access and processing.

Compatible with Lenel OnGuard, the solution effortlessly handles the attendance needs of large-scale operations, supporting over 1700 cardholders, 1600 badges, and 100 readers. This integration ensures a robust and reliable attendance tracking system that meets the demands of a diverse and dynamic business environment.

Overall, the solution provides the customer with a reliable and efficient solution for managing attendance across multiple units while ensuring accuracy and compliance with payroll requirements and reporting.

Navigating global systems for local precision for semiconductor manufacturer

A major semiconductor manufacturer adopted Convergint’s time & attendance solution to seamlessly connect with their access control system master server located in the United States, accommodating over 25,000 cardholders in total. It offers advanced filtering capabilities to identify and isolate cardholders working in India, streamlining attendance tracking across global operations.

One of its key features is the ability to generate specialised reports tailored to specific requirements, such as identifying female staff that are still on the premises after 8PM, ensuring compliance with unique organisational policies and regulations.

Moreover, the solution caters to the needs of end-users accustomed to exporting reports for large groups, capable of exporting data for over 8,000 people simultaneously. This scalability ensures efficient data management and reporting for organisations of varying sizes and complexities.

Overall, the solution’s ability to access data from the customer’s master server with robust filtering capabilities ensures a comprehensive approach to time and attendance management, empowering the end-user to maintain accurate records, enforce policies, and optimise workforce productivity across global operations.

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