One of the challenges facing higher education campus security departments is the lack of interoperability among security & life safety systems. Systems that don’t integrate with one another are an impediment to the mission of keeping students and faculty secure. The campus security department is usually responsible for two, three, or more security applications from multiple vendors. If campus security staff is responsible for monitoring and managing alerts from multiple applications, user effectiveness and response can quickly become constrained.
Genetec Security Center is a single application that can unify IP video surveillance, access control, and automatic license plate recognition within one solution, helping to streamline security operations across campus. This technology enables the campus security team to become more proactive in identifying threats. As security needs grow, solutions and applications can easily be added.
With Security Center many common operations such as monitoring, reporting, alarm management, and configuration are streamlined into one application. Security Center also lets you implement a phased growth plan, so you can start with video surveillance or access control and unify other key systems over time. With this technology campuses can do the following:
- Unify monitoring
- Increase collaboration
- Minimize costs
- Expand campus security
- Improve reliability and maintenance
Security Center Unified Platform
Streamline Campus Systems
Security Center blends the following three systems. Other systems can be gradually added to manage all security systems from the same platform.
Video Surveillance can provide an all-encompassing view of a campus. Receive alarms tied to other systems to visually verify events and quickly respond to threats. Use maps and other features to easily pinpoint nearby devices, move pan-tilt-zoom cameras to get a better view of the situation, and track suspects as they move through campus buildings.

Access Control systems that are open let you choose your preferred door hardware, including wireless locks, allowing you to extend your IP access control system to local and isolated facilities throughout the campus. Every time an access card is used, a cardholder’s picture and credentials can be linked to video so that campus officials can easily assess situations and respond. Develop one-card applications for much more than just security, including POS or library checkouts.

License Plate Recognition helps to efficiently enforce restraining orders or keep delinquent individuals away. Cameras can be affixed to entrances and exits, alerting when blacklisted individuals drive onto campus. Then campus officials can immediately intervene or escort them off the premises. Keep an audit trail of vehicles entering and exiting campus to help future investigations.

Security Center Add-Ons
Security Center has the ability to add on a variety of different functions, such as unifying a third party security and business systems. With this kind of flexibility, the system can be ever changing to meet a campus’ needs.